What we do

Policy Cooperation

[2023 ~ 2025] DAK Policy Cooperation Program : Strengthening the Practice of Incorporating Gender Policies and Perspectives in International Development Cooperation Programs

(With KOICA & DAK, 'Civil Society Policy Cooperation Program')

Funded by KOICA for three years from 2022 December, this project aims to strengthen the international cooperation practitioners’ capabilities to understand gender equality policies (policies in a broader sense) and incorporate them into international development programs. In detail, it consists of three columns that intertwine one another: Policy and Research, Empowerment, and Networking. The first column, Policy & Research, mainly focuses on regularly producing briefs on current gender-related knowledge and trends in international cooperation. The second one, Empowerment, includes two educational courses that directly educate international cooperation practitioners; one for beginners and another for intermediate level. The last Networking pursues to foster citizens who advocate gender equality projects in international cooperation programs and supports their voluntary empowerment activities or participation in related global events.

Seminars with ODA

Seminars with ODA Experts

[2020] Approaches to Enhance Gender Expertise in Conducting Gender Integrated Projects & Gender Equality Policy in Korea's ODA

(With KOICA & KAIDEC, 'Support for ODA Academic Activities')

In 2020, practitioners and professionals in the fields of international cooperation and gender equality met at the “Seminars with ODA Experts” to discuss expertise on gender equality in implementing international cooperation projects in various sectors, including vocational training, violence against women, education, and the environment. These seminars were followed by a colloquium where multiple activists and groups in gender-related ODA projects and interested citizens. The KAIDEC financed this project as a part of their effort to support academics.


[2013/2014/2016/2017/2018] International Development Cooperation & Gender

(With KOICA & DAK, 'Civil Society Policy Cooperation Program')

Funded by KOICA for three years from 2022 December, this project aims to strengthen the international cooperation practitioners’ capabilities to understand gender equality policies (policies in a broader sense) and incorporate them into international development programs. In detail, it consists of three columns that intertwine one another: Policy and Research, Empowerment, and Networking. The first column, Policy and Research, mainly focuses on regularly producing briefs on current gender-related knowledge and trends in international cooperation. The second one, Empowerment, includes two educational courses that directly educate international cooperation practitioners; one for beginners and another for intermediate level. The last Networking pursues to foster citizens who advocate gender equality projects in international cooperation programs and supports their voluntary empowerment activities or participation in related global events.

사단법인 아시아위민브릿지 두런두런

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전화 02-739-6253  팩스 070-4207-6254  

e-mail korea@dorundorun.org

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