What We Do

[2016~2018] Neighborhood Cafe Project - Village Community Empowerment Projects for disadvantaged Women in Cambodia

(with Babonanum, ‘Overseas Regional Community Development Support Project’)

This project was carried out in Battambang, Cambodia, aiming to increase the village community's income and strengthen their gender-equal awareness by providing vocational traor village women. Funded by the Babonaum Foundation and co-conducted by a local NGO, TRK (Tompeang Russey Khmer Association), the project contained:

  • Providing training for bakery and coffee
  • Running a village café named "Serey Café" where women could freely gather and communicate
  • Conducting gender equality education
  • Operating a study room for village people
  • Providing loaves of bread.


[2014] Gender Café - Network-activation Activity for Impoverished Women

(with The Beautiful Foundation, ‘Synario of Change’)

DoRunDoRun and GADC (Gender And Development for Cambodia), a leading women’s organization in Cambodia, jointly implemented a project to activate a network among and increase social resources for impoverished women by providing a communication platform for them. A total of four groups of women participated in the project, joining 17-time gatherings and a one-night-two-days “Gender Camp.” The Beautiful Foundation provided support for this activity.

사단법인 아시아위민브릿지 두런두런

이사장 원민경

주소 (06939) 서울특별시 동작구 여의대방로54길 18, 4층 400호(대방동, 서울여성플라자) 

전화 02-739-6253  팩스 070-4207-6254  

e-mail korea@dorundorun.org

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