Who We Are

Geung-hyun Kim, a graphic designer, donated her talent by creating the CI of DoRunDoRun.

" DoRunDoRun priorly pursues coexistence and bridging the gap.

The two colors of the CI represent the world's diversity in a simple form; the individual pieces in the two colors are gradually connected in harmony with one another in the image. Its clear and vivid colors , cyan and magenta, stand for positive energy."


 - from Kim’s words on the design intent  

사단법인 아시아위민브릿지 두런두런

이사장 원민경

주소 (06939) 서울특별시 동작구 여의대방로54길 18, 4층 400호(대방동, 서울여성플라자) 

전화 02-739-6253  팩스 070-4207-6254  

e-mail korea@dorundorun.org

Copyright 2025 사단법인 아시아위민브릿지 두런두런.