Who We Are


 Established in November 2011 with the late MS Park Young-sook as the first Chairperson, Asia Women Bridge DoRunDoRun completed its registration as a corporation at the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs in January 2012. And DoRunDoRun has launched projects in full swing, including initiatives aiming at helping women in Nepal achieve financial independence, and has focused on education for the international development of cooperation and gender equality.

  Still, in our neighboring countries in Asia, there are so many women as manual laborers to support their families struggling with poverty and unfair practices.

  DoRunDoRun pursues the empowerment of these impoverished women to help get them back on their feet. We want to make solidarity with these women so that they can support themselves and leave a positive impact on other people‘s lives.

  Asian Women Bridge  


  aims to   

  • empower Asian women in politics, economy, and social and cultural fields,
  • build an equal and violence-free world where women can live by their own will,
  • and create a sustainable and peaceful future for and by women.

  Meaning of DoRunDoRun  

두런두런[durʌn durʌn] 

(Adverbs) A Korean word that describes the sound or image of a few people chatting tenderly and with low voices


A compound word for Do and that describes the image of Asian women moving forward with confidence

사단법인 아시아위민브릿지 두런두런

이사장 원민경

주소 (06939) 서울특별시 동작구 여의대방로54길 18, 4층 400호(대방동, 서울여성플라자) 

전화 02-739-6253  팩스 070-4207-6254  

e-mail korea@dorundorun.org

Copyright 2024 사단법인 아시아위민브릿지 두런두런.